Overlap of Stoicism and Minimalism

1 minute read

This is still in my early phases of exploring Stoicism and Minimalism. In fact I’ve only read through Meditations by Marcus Aurelius once very briefly.

This book will be one of those with much re-readability. Where we learn more and more with each subsequent deeper reading.

I have not begun looking into Minimalism resources at all.

Nada, no books yet, not even blogs. I’ve only heard of the ideas from Youtube Channels like Matt D’avella. Its core idea sounds like something I have been practicing for most of my life.

At least, in my head I am trying to be a more conscious consumer.

So I do want to investigate into Minimalism much more before writing a full compare and contrast between the two philosophies/way of living.

At first glance there should be similarities. Which is why they aren’t too hard for me to grasp and live by.

Similarities I can tell so far:

  1. Practice of self-discipline/self-control over external desires
  2. Indifferent to our surroundings, able to see beyond external influences, good or bad
  3. Focusing on the present
  4. Meeting and fulfilling your actual needs
  5. Being happy and content with what we have
  6. Going against the norm in thinking
  7. Being more aware of our behaviours and actions
  8. Wealth lies in a calm state of mind, ie being free from distractions
  9. Believe in simplicity

Again, sorry for the word blob. As I grow in my knowledge and practice of these two subjects there will be a more in depth follow-up. Signing off for now : )